William WU, CEO attends Ethiopia-China Investment Forum in Beijing


October 17, 2023 – The Ethiopia-China Investment Forum Series – Bejing Episode II is being held in the Chinese capital, Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) said..

William Wu, from TOKO Technology(Wuxi)Co.,Ltd attended the forum in Beijing

The business forum is being attended by more than 300 potential investors. The event is deliberating on investment potentials of Ethiopia in mining and other priority sectors..

Minister of Finance of Ethiopia, Mr. Ahmed Shide deliver Speeches

Among others, the Minister of Finance of Ethiopia, Mr. Ahmed Shide, and EIC Chief Commissioner, Ms. Lelise Neme, have delivered keynote speeches.

On the occasion, EIC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 2 pharmaceutical companies and 1 Agro-processing company. Three of the firms that inked the MoU are all set to invest in Ethiopia, according to EIC


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